Tuesday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Luke 9

Happy Tuesday, SHINE girls!

Today's reading is very up close and personal for me.

The story in vs. 12-18, are the very scriptures in His Word that SHINE was founded on.

God showed me this story over and over the months before SHINE was started. I had NO idea what they meant in my life. "Why in the world are you showing me these scriptures, Lord??"

"He replied: You give them something to eat."
Luke 9:13

God was telling me that His Word was the food that needed to be passed out and fed to the hungry. I was actually the one in the most desperate needing of feeding by His Word. I needed it badly.

It all began with an email days before January 1st. I asked a few girls to read the bible with me daily.

They agreed and asked their friends to join with us.

The rest is history.

Here we are today, reading chapter by chapter of God's living breathing word. Every single day.

Girls, when God reveals scripture to you, listen to Him. Tune out the world and hear His voice. He's got big things to reveal to you!

NOTHING is coincidence. EVERYTHING is God. Remember that.

He wants to walk close with us and speak to us and tell us wonderful and glorious things. Are we listening? Or are we doing all the talking and asking?

Keep seeking Him, sweet girls. He's got treasures upon treasures stored up for you!

scripture by scripture and day by day,



Wednesday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 12/10-12/17...: