Saturday SHINE....

Weekend Reading: Luke 13 & 14

I will not be giving daily challenges for our Giving Christmas Away here on the SHINE blog, but I wanted to share this one with you that I challenged my friends with today.

Giving Christmas Away:

" But the needy will not always be forgotten, 
nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish"
 Psalm 9:18

Today, pray that God will open your eyes WIDE to the needy and forgotten around you!

Ask the Lord to put them in your path. HE WILL!

Be prepared to GIVE them something. A  smile, a word of encouragement, a cup of coffee, a small gift card for food, a warm blanket you may have lying around, a jacket that is hanging in your closet. ANYTHING.

The key is being prepared. Have something with you to give...even if it is just your pretty smile!

This is a BIG challenge! We can do this! 

Get ready for God to show up BIG today, girls!

Happy giving!



Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 12/17-12/30.....


Friday SHINE....