Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for week of 12/3-12/9:

  • Monday 12/3: John 20
  • Tuesday 12/4: John 21
  • Wednesday 12/5: Luke 3
  • Thursday 12/6: Luke 4
  • Friday 12/7: Luke 5
  • Saturday/Sunday: Luke 6-7
Happy Memory Verse Monday,  SHINE girls! Ready for your new scripture to memorize this week?

Fingers crossed that you still remember our verse from last week! If not, go back to last Monday and keep working on that one. You can do it! :)

Our verse this week is:

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
John 15:12

I prayed and asked the Lord to show me a verse for this week. This one kept popping up every time I opened my bible. It was underlined in hot pink marker. I knew this was the one He wanted us to work on this week. The hot-pink sealed the deal. :)

Yes, it's short and easy to learn. My kids do this with us, so I have to keep it somewhat easy. (who am I kidding...I keep it short because I'm not the best at remembering stuff. blame it on the blonde.) 

In this scripture, Jesus is speaking to His disciples...and us. He is teaching on the importance of Love. 

Such a simple lesson, but not always so simple to act out.

Yes, it's easy to love some people. 

Yes, it's HARD to love some people. 

However, if we read the passage again, Jesus commands us to love each other. Not just love each other, but love as HE has loved US. 

Whew. That's BIG. Like, HUGE.

As we start this week, let's work on this "loving others as He loves us" thing. Let's keep it in the forefront of our hearts as we deal with those around us this week.

Ask yourself this question every day: "Am I loving the people around me like Jesus loves me?"

Memorize your scripture, girls. Write it on notecards, mirrors, your calendar...somewhere you will see it often. Challenge a friend to do this with you. Accountability is a good good thing.

gettin' my love armor on,



Tuesday SHINE....


Saturday SHINE....