Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: John 8

Happy Worship Wednesday, SHINE girls! Worship the Lord today in all you do! Sing to Him, dance to Him, just plain out worship Him!

My kids and I love this day because we turn up the radio really loud in the car and jam out! If you pull up next to us at a red light you will see quite a sight. For real.

Okay, moving on to our SHINE girl serving story of the day. :)

My friend Mary Balicki is posting today. Mary is a giver. Plain and simple.

She has the amazing God-given gift of hospitality. If you have ever been around her you have probably been blessed by something she has made you (like yummy food) or something she has given you.

I will never forget one time last year she was wearing some really cool wood earrings. I ooohed and ahhhed over them and she took them right off and gave them to me. I am so serious!!

She's just like this. She loves to give. She just does.

Be blessed by her story today, sweet girls.

Our Shito, part of a World Vision
It was the spring of 2004, when Chad and I purchased tickets to hear Third Day play at the Fox Theater.  Love them, love their music and even more, a date night with my man.  J 

I was pumped about this evening out on the town!  Although, I could not have known how my heart would be forever changed afterward.  The Third Day show was awesome – of course. 

Then, there was an intermission with a video - - I skipped the bathroom break to find out more about these children who “need our help”. 

We watched the clip and immediately, our hearts were drawn to this cause.  As first time parents of our oldest daughter, Audrey (1 ½ at the time) we felt like we should take the resources that God had given us to help a little one – for just $35.00 a month. 

They had tables set up with photos of kids that we could sponsor on the spot.  It didn’t take long to notice this sweet girl from Ethiopia.  Her name is Shito Kumbi and we have gotten to know her well over the past 8 years. 

It has been a huge blessing for our daughters to grow up with the knowledge of the hardships that other kids face all over the world and specifically in Ethiopia.  Without Shito, we would never be able to adequately inform them.  Shito gives them a reference point for extreme poverty.  She also grounds them when selfishness and greed start to settle into their hearts.  I say, “think about Shito” -- they literally do and quickly realize where we need to regroup and refocus.

Your contribution of $35.00 a month could help a child like Shito attend school in their community, have clean water and eat every single day.  If you (like me) might be wondering how in the world $35 dollars could be so helpful? 

The average family income in Ethiopia is $380.00 dollars a year - - here in the US, it’s $41,400.00.  Wow!  Well, that sure explains it.  My dream is to someday meet our now 14 year old, Shito.  I want to look into her eyes, hug her so tightly and tell her how much we have loved her through the years.
Here is a note that I sent to Shito last month along with her Christmas card (it takes some major travel-time to arrive before the holidays).   I encourage you to look into sponsoring a child with World Vision (click on the link) – it’s a God-thing and will surely bless your life beyond measure! 

With love and gratitude,

Thursday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE....