Saturday SHINE.....

Weekend Reading: Mark 13 & 14

Hey,  pretty little SHINE girls!

Don't forget that starting this weekend, we have weekend reading. Just ONE chapter for each day. You can do it!

Also, I added a "page" at the top of the website for our SHINE Mission Project. It explains the details and an easy way for you to see exactly what we need and what you can do to participate.

Please, please spread the word!

Tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, in-laws, out-laws :)...


If you have any questions, please contact me

Even if you have NOTHING to give...please come to the drop-off day so that we can meet each other and I can hug your pretty little neck. :)

We will be having a few drawings for SHINE girl prizes during the drop-off as well---so, COME! :)

I love your little serving hearts! YOU inspire me!

happy weekend friends,


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."
 Matthew 25:35


Prayer Requests and Praises 11/12-11/18....


Friday SHINE....