Monday SHINE.....

Weekly Reading Plan for the week of 11/5-11/11:

  • Monday 11/5: Matthew 26-28
  • Tuesday 11/6: Mark 1-3
  • Wednesday 11/7: Mark 4-6
  • Thursday 11/8: Mark 7-9
  • Friday 11/9: Mark 10-12
  • Saturday 11/10: Mark 13
  • Sunday 11/11: Mark 14

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! It's a new week to serve the Lord! Forget the old and get ready for the new, sweet SHINE girls!

Speaking of new--- if you just looked at the reading plan and did a double take, hear me out. 

We (more like me) somehow got a little behind on our reading plan. OOPS. So, we are taking this week to catch up. 

Yes, you CAN do it!

SHINE follows my church reading plan which has always just been a 5 day a week plan. Well, I just noticed that now it is a 7 day a week plan. Gulp.

Let me say this real quick: WE CAN DO THIS!

Don't roll your eyes at me. We are ready for this. Especially you SHINE sisters that have been here for a while. It's time to add some weekend reading. 

For you new girls, it's even better. You will never know what you missed with the shorter 5 day plan. :)

See, everyone's happy, right?

Seriously, I have no idea why they changed to a 7 day plan. Whatever the case, we are big girls. We can follow it.

Maybe it is the Lord giving us a big boost up to the adult table. No more kiddie table for us. We are ready for some real nourishment!

So, this totally throws off what I was going to post about. I am sure the Lord has a purpose in all of this. Doesn't He always?

I used to get SO upset  when something didn't go as I planned. Let me repeat: SO UPSET. I would pout, cry, stomp my feet (not really), and just have a Texas size chip on my shoulder. 

Now, after realizing that the world does not revolve around me--and it never did--I am so much more go with the flow-y. I actually giggle to myself when something doesn't quite go like I had envisioned. 

I giggle because I know that it's God saying: 
"See, I am in charge, sweet Jill. Not you. I will say what happens, and I will call the shots around here. Just sit back and enjoy the twists and turns. It's much more enjoyable when you just let go and enjoy the ride."

I always picture Him smiling at me when things change and go a different way than I had planned. He is waiting to see how I react. I'm learning it's much easier to skip the pity party, and just go down this new path. Even if it seems a lot less pretty.

The cool thing is: EVERY single time, I see God's hand and purpose in it. It's usually well into the new path, but I still see it none the less. It may be a person He puts in my path. Or, it may be something He is teaching me and growing me in. Trust me, it's always something He's got up His big white sleeve. 

How are you when God changes plans on you? Are you pretty easy to follow? Or, are you stubborn and dig those pretty heels in and refuse to budge.

Take my word, and just put a smile on those sweet lips and go with it. Trust Him. He knows what He's doing.

It's all for a reason. He's got the Master Plan and we just need to keep following Him. 

7 day a week reading plan-- here we come,


**p.s--Don't forget to mark your calendar for November 18th from 2-5!! Our very first SHINE Mission Project! We are having a Clothing and Canned food drive! Bring your donations, or just come to visit! We want to see you! See post from last Thursday for more info. :) Spread the word to your peeps!

Tuesday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 11/5-11/11....