Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: John 10
Weekend Reading: John 11 & 12

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

I will make this short and sweet because some of you are reading this from your Smart Phones because you are STILL out Black Friday shopping! Yes, I know some of you very well! :)

Your Fun Friday Challenge is:

Pray for someone today. Pick one person and lift their name up to the Father throughout he day.

 All day.

Ask the Lord to help you choose who this person should be. You may know exactly who you should pray for by the time you read the end of this sentence. Or, if not,  just pray right now that the Lord will clearly show you.

Prayer is powerful. Especially when we are praying for others. It forces our hearts to focus outward instead of inwards. Their is power in this. Big time.

"Pray without ceasing."
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Happy Weekend, sweet SHINE!

still giving thanks,



Prayer Requests/Praises for the week of 11/25-12/9.......


Thursday SHINE....