Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: John 3

Well, finally! Happy Fun Friday, sweet SHINE friends!

It's been a long week around these parts. Sick kids and long days. Thankful for this Fun Friday! Yay!

Are you girls just loving our SHINE girls serving stories or what? Each story blesses and inspires. I am so grateful for girls that are willing to take the time and share their journey with each of us. Aren't you?

So, we have 6 days until Thanksgiving. Let's tune into a thankful attitude today and live it out loud!

Today's Fun Friday Challenge:

Tell those around you how THANKFUL you are for them! Be specific!

Call them, text them (my personal fave), email them, tweet them...whatever works best in your little world. Just let them know how much you appreciate them.

Sometimes, I think we can (unknowingly) take for granted those people in our lives that are constantly encouraging us, blessing us, or helping us. They need to be reck-o-nized! ;)

Shout it out to them today! Let them know!

I'll be the first to shout out:

Thank YOU ALL for investing your time, love, encouragement, prayers, and support into this SHINE ministry. If it weren't for all of you, I would be one lonesome gal trudging through the Bible one chapter a day. Seriously! It sure helps to know that YOU are with me on this journey.

I've never, ever in my life felt so loved and encouraged, and prayed for. (pass the Kleenex--crocodile tears)

I want you to know that my life is changed because of all of you. I lift you ALL up to the Father every single day of my life. Your names are all over my little journal that I write love notes to God in. I am so serious.

So, thank you. Thank you for making this ministry possible.

Thank you for your faith that inspires me.

Every single day.

spilling over with thanksgiving,


"I thank my God every time I remember you.."
Philippians 1:3

**OH! Don"t forget to come THIS Sunday to our SHINE Mission Project Drop-off! Click on this tab..or go to top of the page and click on that link for more info. I will be there from 2-5, so come anytime within that time frame! Cannot wait to see you! We will be giving away some cool prizes to those that can attend! 


Saturday SHINE.....


Thursday SHINE.....