Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 10/22-10/26:

  • Monday 10/22: Matthew 16
  • Tuesday 10/23: Matthew 17
  • Wednesday 10/24: Matthew 18
  • Thursday 10/25: Matthew 19
  • Friday 10/26: Matthew 20

Hey Sweet SHINE sisters! I hope you enjoyed this fabulous Fall weekend! Don't you love changing into this new season of cooler weather, sweaters and boots? Me too! :)

So, during my little hiatus last week, I felt the Lord tugging on my heart for SHINE to really focus on serving in the upcoming holiday months. He has been SO faithful to us daily as He teaches us in His word.

The colder months can be excruciating for our poverty stricken and homeless friends. A little on our part can make a HUGE difference in the life of others. Huge.

As the Lord leads, I will be posting serving opportunities for us SHINE sisters. You may be able to participate in some of them, or you may not. Let the Lord lead you to serve where He is calling you. However, please pray over these opportunities. Pray that these ministries will be able to make an impact for His Kingdom and spread the Gospel of Christ like never before!

Of course, as the Lord is preparing my heart to write this post, I receive an email from my church regarding an opportunity to serve. He's always right on time, isn't He? :)

Every year our church collects shoe boxes of goodies to give to Operation Christmas Child. These shoe boxes are flown to countries where children are very needy. It is the biggest blessing to be able to participate in this program! It's also something you can do with your children or grandchildren as well. It is a very hands-on opportunity to serve others.

Preparing a shoe box is simple.  Here is an email I received from our church explaining exactly how it works:

“What is the power of a simple gift? Can a shoe box really make a difference?”

Yes… Simple things like toy cars, pencils, toothbrushes and socks (things that most American children might take for granted) can make a huge difference for children living in desperate situations around the world. For our current E-town mission project, we’re supporting Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse International Relief. Operation Christmas Child brings joy, hope and the Good News of the Gospel!
On Sunday, November 11, we’ll be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Below is a list of suggested items your child can include in the box:
  • Toys & fun items like small hot-wheel cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, musical instruments, jump ropes, yo-yos, stickers, etc.
  • School & craft supplies like pens, pencils, crayons, makers, stamps, ink pads, solar calculators, coloring books, etc.
  • Hygiene items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, combs, washcloth, etc.
  • Other items like T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, toy jewelry, hair clips, watches, flashlights with batteries, etc.
  • A personal note may also be included from your child or family. If you include your name and address, the child receiving your shoe box may write back!
It’s easy to participate. Just pack everything in an empty shoe box, and follow the directions found on the “How to Pack a Shoe Box” brochure we will be sending home with your child this Sunday.
For additional information, please visit Samaritan’s Purse at the following website…

If you visit their website you can print off a label with the age of the boy or girl and the age group you choose. Simple!

Or, we can provide you with the label. :) The website also explains that each box will need a $7.00 donation to cover shipping expenses. You can make that directly out  to "Samaritans Purse", or you can donate the shipping cost online on their site.

**I will be happy to pick up the box from you. OR, you can drop it off at our church, Eastridge Community Church in Covington, Ga. OR, you can find a drop-off location in your area to drop your box off. :)

As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, let's be in tune with the needs of those around us. A very small gesture, can make a HUGE impact in the life of another and for His Kingdom.

More serving opportunities to come, stay tuned.

I love you, sweet girls!

Thank you for your hearts that serve!

thankful for YOU,


**Email me directly if you have any questions regarding Operation Christmas Child. I will be happy to help answer them!


Tuesday SHINE...


Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 10/21-10/27