Saturday Surprise SHINE give-away....

Happy Saturday, SHINE! As always, no required reading for the weekends. Use this time to catch up if you are behind, but mostly enJOY this gorgeous weekend with your loves!

I usually don't post on Saturdays, but I have a HUGE desire to bless someone!

Here's the thing: My wedding anniversary is coming up on September 26th--this Wednesday. (yippee!)

This day is my FAVORITE day of the year. It is a reminder of God's Promises and His Love for me. He blessed me with a man that completely and perfectly fit this odd shaped puzzle piece. (me!)

So, in honor of our big day, I want to bless someone with a SHINE shirt! If you already have a shirt, you can bless someone else with one, OR you can choose a shirt in brown--our newest SHINE shirt color.  Your choice.

I am overflowing with gratitude for ALL of you. Without you, SHINE would not be possible. Seriously. It would be no fun doing this by myself. God had fulfilled this burning desire in my heart to have a bible study with all of my friends, all together. Seriously, only HE could make this happen. Blown away.

With that said, I want to honor you. I want to bless you. Will you let me? :)

Tell me something YOU love. Tell me what makes your heart beat out of your chest wall.

I cannot wait to hear!

The drawing will be held on our anniversary day. So, get your comments in! If you cannot post a comment, as always, email me at and  I will post for you. :-)

Thank you for letting me love on and celebrate YOU!

a heart overflowing,


Here's a pic of what the shirts look like in black.
They come in all sizes as you can see! :-)
Our rehearsal dinner
September 25th 1998
(yes, we were only 12)
"Better is one day in your courts, than a thousand elsewhere"
Psalm 84:10


Prayer Requests and Praises week of 9/23-9/29....


Friday SHINE.....