Tuesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Acts 15

Happy Tuesday, SHINE girls! Are you just loving Acts, or what?

Man, I love that Paul. He is one dude on fire for the Lord. He will stop at NOTHING to tell others about Jesus. Seriously. Even death itself doesn't scare this guy.

Every time I read another chapter, I think to myself, "Would I have been this on fire and this BOLD if I were alive back in those days? Would I have been brave enough to speak of a man that had just died (Jesus) and then tell strangers that He was the Son of God?"

Can you imagine  the trials and persecution these guys faced? It's hard to even wrap our little brains around the thought.

Only the Holy Spirit living inside these men could give them that kind of power and strength.

Do you want to know the BEST news?  We have the same Holy Spirit living inside of US! Yes! We sure do!

What are you facing today that you think the Lord cannot handle, sweet girls?

  • a financial mess
  • a marriage that is crumbling, or already turned to crumbs
  • children that break your heart
  • not being able to have children
  • a friend that has hurt you
  • a family member that breaks your heart
  • depression
  • alcohol addiction
  • drug addiction
  • pills addiction
  • anxiety
  • regrets that grip you daily
  • worry
  • health problems
  • bitterness that has eaten you alive
  • un-forgiveness that seeps through your pores
Girls, you can rise above whatever it is. You can, and you will.

Look at Paul, look where he came from. He turned his life around, trusted the Lord and his life is being talked about hundreds of years later. Paul is known for his faith. His strength. His boldness.

What makes you and I different than Paul? Nothing. (except for gender, obviously.) :)

Get up. Pull yourself up by those pretty little boot straps, and call on the One and Only God living inside of that beating heart of yours. He is ready for battle, sweet girl. He's been ready. 

Are you?

Go and fight, darling.  The battle is already won. You just have to show up with Your Man. 

cheering you on,


"In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. 
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name."
1 Chronicles 29:12-13

Wednesday SHINE....


Reading Plan for the Week of 8/6-8/10.....