Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Acts 13

Happy Fun Friday, you sweet SHINE darlings!

Today marks the last day of our 40 day prayer challenge. Wow.

I am so proud of all of you for sticking with this and pushing through. You all amaze me with your strength and perseverance. Seriously, you do.

Maybe you have been praying one very specific prayer, or maybe you have just been seeking Him more throughout your day. Whatever it is, He has been hearing you. He will continue to hear you, friend.

Let me encourage you for a minute. Have you ever watched water boil? Isn't it the longest process known to man-kind?

It never ever fails. Every time I have company over at my house, I forget to make sweet tea. It is always the last minute detail that makes me anxious. I get anxious because I want it ready and in the fridge when my guests come. I want the tea to have a minute to get chilled before I pour the first glass. I want it to seem like I always have sweet tea in my fridge ready to serve. (sad, but true)

Well, guess what you have to do in order to make tea? Yep, boil the water. (gritting my teeth)

If I sit over the little pot and watch it boil, I will be sitting there for an eternity.

However, if I leave the kitchen and tidy up the bathroom while I wait for my guests, the water seems to be boiling over by the time I get back in the kitchen. If I leave the room, my mind goes in another direction and I am focused on another task.

Okay, you are wondering where I am going with this.

Today's Fun Friday Challenge:

Make some sweet tea. Just kidding.

Your challenge is to leave that prayer of yours at the Cross. Leave it, friend. Trust Him with it.

I challenge you to move on, move forward.

The Lord has heard that prayer and He is working. Sometimes it just takes us stepping out and away from the "thing" in order for Him to work.

I am not saying that you should not still pray. I am saying that you should trust Him to work. Trust His timing.

Just like the boiling water, if we sit there and wait for something to happen, it never does! However when we move on, when we focus on another task, the water is boiling before we know it.

This just happened to me last week.

I received a phone call with some INCREDIBLE news. I had laid this "thing" at the cross a month or so back. The Lord knew my heart and He knew my need in this area.

I had to trust Him with it. I had to lay it at His feet and move on. It hurt to lay it down. But, only for a minute. Soon, I was on another path, and was too busy going in that direction that I didn't have a chance to look back.

Oh, but then I got that phone call. I fell to my knees, and thanked the Lord for His goodness. His provisions. His careful attention to my life.

Girls, He hears you. Are you listening? He hears you.

 Don't get discouraged. He is working. Lay it at the Cross and walk away.

Trust Him to work. The longer you sit and peer over it, the longer you will be waiting.

Lay it down, friends.

not looking back,


"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you;
 he will never let the righteous fall."
Psalm 55:2

**Several ladies have contacted me this week about having SHINE sent to their email. If you click on the top right banner at the top of the page, you will be able to enter your email address and sign up to receive the emails. You will have to verify after you activate, then you are good to go! If you have ANY trouble, email me at, and I will enter it for you. :) Thank you for SHINE-ing with us!

Prayer Requests and Praises for the Week of 8/5-8/10.....


Thursday SHINE....