Reading Plan for the week of 7/16-7/20.....

Reading Plan for the Week of 7/16-7/20....

  • Monday 7/16: Ecclesiastes 11
  • Tuesday 7/17" Ecclesiastes 12
  • Wednesday 7/18: Acts 1
  • Thursday 7/19: Acts 2
  • Friday 7/20: Acts 3
Welcome to Week 3 of our 40 day prayer challenge! We are on Day 22! Yay!

Dear Lord,

We need You. We honor You. We praise You.

Lord, cleanse our hearts and turn them to You in all that we do. Purify our hearts and our souls so that we can serve You and further Your kingdom. 

Thank you for this life that You have given us. We have another day here on Earth to praise You! We have another day to worship You! We have another day to tell others about You!

Give us boldness, Lord. Give us courage. Give us strength today and every day. 

Father, help us to be faithful in the small things today. Even the things that we think do not matter, help us and remind us to push through and remain faithful.

You are watching us, Lord. You want us to show You that we are serious about being faithful! Even when we think others are not looking, Lord...YOU are watching us! You see the small acts of obedience and faithfulness and You will bless us for them!

Praise You, Father. 

Protect us, protect our loved ones today and this week, Father.

In Jesus name we humbly pray,


“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much"
Luke 16:10


Tuesday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises for the Week of 7/15-7/21.....