Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Ecclesiastes 5

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! How is your week going?

We are on Day 12 of our 40 Day Prayer Challenge! Are you just in AWE of the Lord as you intentionally pray to Him this week?

Yes, me too.

We are still on vacation this week, and thankfully, only by the Grace of the Lord, I have a really good internet signal this morning. Seriously, this is a complete miracle.

A few mornings ago, I woke up and my heart was still in prayer mode. I told Lem that I needed to go for a walk by myself because I needed to talk to the Lord.

This is not normal for me. I am not a "walk by myself" kind of girl. I always want company, always. Growing up with a sister, it is not normal for me to crave alone time, ever.

I headed out the door, and went for a walk near the beach. Pouring my heart out to the Lord and even out loud at times. I'm sure others noticed me, but I did not care one little bit.

My heart was heavy over a few people that He has been specifically laying on my heart this week. I prayed over and over for these people and for His will to be done in their lives as well as my own.

I thought about how even Jesus Himself had to get away from the crowd for a while to be alone with the Lord. At that very moment on my walk, I understood why He did that. It finally made sense to me.

God was showing me that if I was serious about communicating with Him, I needed some one-on- one face time with Him.

The clarity that comes when we can carve out this time with Him, is indescribable. Especially while we are intentionally praying through our days. He will draw you to a place where it is just you and Him. I guarantee you that He will.

Your Friday Challenge today is:

Find a few minutes of quiet in your day. Devote those few minutes to the Lord. I know that some days are really, really hard to do this. I am praying that the Lord will provide this time for you.

I believe He will.

He craves your heart. He craves your soul. He craves your time.

I get this!  A lot of days, I just crave some alone time with my Lem. I crave just he and I together talking. Sometimes, I just need he and I to go on a walk together and tune the world out for even just a few minutes.

I believe the Lord craves the same with us.

Heavenly Father,

Hallowed by Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

Lord, I ask that you give these girls some time today to draw near to you. Not just in their hearts, but physically, draw near to You in a quiet place. I pray that You will give them this time to gaze deep into your sparkling eyes, and be transformed with Peace and Rest for their day.

Let them snuggle deep into Your strong arms, and lay their heart right into Your capable hands. Father, let the world go on for a few minutes, while we sneak some alone time with You. We crave Your presence. We crave Your comfort.

Father. bless these girls from the top of their heads to the soles of their pretty little feet. Let them be washed in Your favor, and Your protection. 

Like magnets, draw us all to Your heart and Your desires.

We ask this in the precious name of Jesus. 


One more thing. As I was walking by myself that morning, a HUGE blue bird, landed right next to me. I am NOT kidding. It landed next to me and just sat there. I was kind of afraid to move, because I did not want it to leave. My eyes filled with tears, because I knew that the Lord had sent that bluebird to me to show me that He loves me.

Girls, He loves you so much! He will show Himself to you today, believe it.

still craving Him,



Prayer Requests and Praises for the Week of 7/8-7/15....


Thursday SHINE...