Saturday SHINE....

Happy Saturday! No reading scheduled for the weekend. Just checking in.

I know it is the weekend and most of you are busy celebrating Father's Day with your families.

However, I just have to acknowledge the ending of Job from our reading plan.

Here's what I learned from Job:

  • just because they are your friends, doesn't make them always right.
  • be careful who you choose as your closest friends.
  • you have no idea why another person is facing challenging times. no idea. only the Lord knows. 
  • never, ever think you have God figured out.
  • it's okay to not understand God's ways. He is God.
  • His ways are higher than our ways.
  • no matter what the beginning of your life has been like, God can make the ending be the BEST.
  • be patient and wait on Him....He will answer. 
I'm blown away by what I have learned from Job. I thought that I knew Job's story. I thought it was easy-breezy. Little did I know the depth from these 42 chapters.

Goodness gracious.

Girls, we are learning the intricate details of His Word. 

Listen closely....

Every Word that we read is changing us, growing us, preparing us. We are His people, and we are absorbing His Word. Nothing in God's Word is by accident. Every detail that we study is there for a purpose.  He has a purpose in every single Word that we read. Not one Word is wasted. Zero.

Girls, let that sink in.

Smile and be proud of yourselves for sticking with this reading and digging in deep. 

You will never be the same. Ever. 

I can see your bright lights SHINE-ing for Him from way over here in my living room. 

Get ready for next week. A new reading plan, and a few exciting announcements. 

SHINE girls are going to set the world on FIRE for JESUS CHRIST!

Oh, you better believe it. 

get ready,



Sunday SHINE....


SHINE girl weekday give-away winner.....