Monday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 2 Peter 1

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! 

Are you ready for a fresh new chapter of reading? YES! Me too!!

Girls, we are hopping right on into 2 Peter this week. I know, I know, it's kind of random. But, this is how we roll! Keeps you on your pretty little toes!

I have been praying for all of you this past week a whole lot. So many of you are going through some tough, tough times. Every email I receive is prayed for immediately. I just need you to know that. 

We are all "real" friends here. Even if we have never met face to face, you are prayed for, cared for, and LOVED! Remember as I told you last week, we all share the same Heavenly Father. We are sisters in Christ! 

Isn't that beautiful?

I want to take a minute to thank my SHINE prayer girls. They take this very seriously. All 22 of us hear your precious hearts and we take your needs to the throne. If we don't know your face, it does not matter. God knows your face. He knows your name, He knows every detail about you. 

You are loved, my friend. Yes, you. 

He hears your cries, He sees your tears. I can only imagine the beautiful sight that He must behold when He hears your prayers from another one of His children. When someone else lifts you up high to His Throne. 

Oh, the visual!

Close your precious little eyes, take a deep breath, and rest in the Joy of knowing that you are encircled by your sisters. Holding you up. Encouraging you. Cheering you on. Speaking on your behalf to the Father. 

Rest in that, my friend.

That, sweet girls, is the beauty of SHINE. We are all together, reading His Word, and ministering to those around us.

From  the overflow of His Love, Grace, Mercy, and Peace...we are able to SHINE a bright light into the darkest places.

What a Mighty God we serve.

keep SHINE-ing friends,


"All this helps us know that what the early preachers said was true. You will do well to listen to what they have said. Their words are as lights that shine in a dark place. Listen until you understand what they have said. Then it will be like the morning light which takes away the darkness. And the Morning Star (Christ) will rise to shine in your hearts."
2 Peter 1:19


Tuesday SHINE...


Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 6/17-22....