Monday SHINE...

Reading plan for the week of 6/4-6/8:

  • Monday 6/4: Job 33
  • Tuesday 6/5: Job 34
  • Wednesday 6/6: Job 35
  • Thursday 6/7: Job 36
  • Friday 6/8: Job 37

Good morning, SHINE girls! As you can see, we are still in Job. Yes, it seems like we have been here for a while. (it's because we have!) :-)

When I read Job these days, I think of it as a discipline to my heart. What do I mean by this?

Well, you know how discipline works. You do something even when you don't really think you need it. You do it anyway, because you know it's good for you.

Kind of like exercising. When you first get started exercising, it is hard but you stick with it through discipline. You then start seeing the results of your discipline.

However, what happens next? Don't you kind of start slacking off because you are looking better, feeling better, your jeans fit just right, and the scale is now your friend? Yep, me too.

Discipline is the thing that now has to kick in. Even though you feel like you have reached your goal, it's now time to maintain it. To me, this is always the hardest part.

So, when I wake up and read the Bible, it is sheer discipline that gets me through it some days. Not every day is discipline. A lot of days, my heart is parched and I crave His word. However, other days, I feel like I am in a good place with Him, but I know I need to read His Word because I need His nourishment.

Can I just be honest and say something? Summer time is hard for me with my quiet time. My days are a lot longer, and I sleep in a little later. My schedule is--well, I kind of don't have one over the Summer.

Although I love my days being more relaxed and chill, I still have to discipline myself with spending time in prayer and His Word. If I don't, I will be a heap of a mess. It slowly will creep up on me, the lack of peace, the lack of Joy, the lack of nourishment will start affecting my daily walk.

This kind of happened yesterday. I had a rough evening. My heart was not right. I was feeling overwhelmed, and just kind of exhausted with all of my "duties." I knew immediately what was missing. Spending time with the Lord.

I went to my room late last night, shut the door, opened my Bible, and soaked it all in. I had gotten a little lazy with my time with Him. He kept trying to draw my "busy" heart, but I kept telling Him, "Okay, just a second. Let me finish this first."

Today will be different. I will seek Him throughout this day. I will make time for Him. I will listen for His voice today. I will not be too distracted or too busy to hear my Lord talking to me.

I will be intentional about seeking Him.

How about you? Will you be intentional today as well?

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
Matthew 6:33

seeking Him first today,



Tuesday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises week of 6/4-6/8....