Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Job 42

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! 

What are your plans for today? Whatever your day consists of, find some JOY and FUN in your day!

Our Joy is not circumstantial, friends, it comes from the Lord. Oh, yes!

After a wonderful week of stories about our Fathers, let's focus on our Heavenly Father today. Isn't it so cool that we all share the same Heavenly Father?  One big, happy family! I love it!

Since it's Friday, you know what that means!

We have a Friday Challenge!

Here's your Challenge:

Speak love to your Heavenly Father today. Adore Him with your praises. Thank Him in all you do today. 
  • While in the car
  • At work
  • Cleaning the house 
  • Folding the laundry
  • Having lunch
  • Changing diapers
  • Potty Training
  • Washing your car
  • Reading your emails
  • Grocery shopping

He longs to be with us in these seemingly small details of our lives. He longs to hear your praises as you go throughout your day.

He is a God of details. In fact, He created all of those details! He doesn't miss a thing!

"And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Luke 12:7

Girls, read that verse again! Even the hairs on our head are numbered! Hello?! That is DETAILS!

My kids love when I tell them this verse. They smile big, pat their little heads, and say, "wow!"

Yes, He loves YOU that much! Think of the person here on Earth that you love the you know how many hairs are on their head? NO! Only God can love that much, my sweet friends.

I love when my children thank me when I do a big, grand gesture for them. But, you know what I love even more?

When they thank me for serving their dinner, or re-filling their tea glass. 

When they notice these small details, it surprises me, and it makes my heart leap for JOY!

I imagine our Heavenly Father feels the same way. I bet He loves when we come to Him in these smaller moments. The moments when our minds are usually set to auto-pilot. 

Find Him in the details today, girls. He's waiting for you.

praising Him in the small things,


P.S...SHINE weekday give-away winner will be drawn today! If you haven't posted a comment yet, GO! :-)


SHINE girl weekday give-away winner.....


Thursday SHINE.....