Wednesday SHINE...

Today's Reading: Job 25

Happy worship Wednesday, SHINE girls!

Today's post is inspired by my daughter's field trip to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. (God works in mysterious ways, friends.) ;-)

As we listened to the guide explain how the plants depend on each other and how they all serve a purpose in this world...I thought of US! She explained how all of the plants have a gift to give. They work together to fulfill each of their designed purposes.

God spoke to me right then and there on that trail:  We ALL serve a purpose! How exciting is that? We all have gifts to give the world!

As I looked around at all of the blooming flowers, trees, and bushes, it reminded me of how WE as women all work together to create one beautiful garden.

Growing up, I always wanted to be anyone but ME. I would imitate my sister, my friends, or anyone that was different than I was. Everyone seemed so much more special and sparkly.

I could never find any beauty or uniqueness in plain ole me.

However, very recently in my life I have found that God made ME for a purpose! Not to be like someone else, not to want to imitate their gift, but to bloom in the gifts that He gave me!

My new quote these days is this: "Bloom where you are planted!"

I was always wanting to bloom somewhere else, in another garden besides my own. It was such a waste of my energy. I was not created for that soil, but for the Jill Hill soil that I was rooted in.

How freeing it finally was when I started to dig deep in my very own soil, and get used to being just ME.

God actually had a purpose for me!  Really? Wow! How exciting!

Guess what? He has a special unique purpose for YOU as well! Believe it, it's true!

For so many years I would try to walk in another's shoes, and they never ever fit. I would wobble, stumble and just look pretty awkward. Thankfully, the Lord opened my eyes to HIS purpose for me!

Need a visual? My daughter walked into the kitchen yesterday with a pair of my very highest heels on. She looked like a newborn fawn. Her little legs were wobbly and shaking as she tried to look comfortable in those ridiculous shoes.

Presley wearing my shoes yesterday. :-)

That is exactly what happens to us when we get outside of our calling or our soil. It is not comfortable because it just does not fit.

I encourage you today to bloom where you are planted! Wherever you are!

Girls....wherever you are in this very season, you can bloom! You WILL bloom!

"If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities." Luke 16:10

Whatever you are doing today, do your very best! Show the Lord that whatever He gives you, you will do it with excellence!  Be faithful in the resources He has given you in this very moment. Soak up the beauty of the soil you are planted in.

You will bloom in your role!

We all make a difference! Every last one of us.

A beautiful garden is made up of many flowers, colors, sizes, and smells. They all work together to create God's masterpiece.

Dig deep in your soil today, girls. Get comfortable in your place. When you dig in and dig deep, you will bloom like never before! When you add the watering of God's word daily...oh my! Miracle Grow will have nothing on YOU! 

Bloom girls, bloom!

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.ā€ Psalm 1:2-3

tending my garden,



Thursday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE...