Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Job 15

Happy Worship Wednesday SHINE!

We have another wonderful story to share with you today.

I asked my friend, Lisa, to post about her Mother. 

Because Lisa is one of my spiritual mentors, I wanted her to share with all of you the power of laying a firm foundation for your children. Or young ones in general.

Lisa has influenced my spiritual journey more than she will ever know. I am grateful for her Mother that showed her the path so that she could show others.

Be blessed SHINE sisters. 

How I Hide His Words
by: Lisa Inlow

Without a doubt, my mom has been instrumental in my growing in the Lord.  What did she do?  I not only saw her read, study her Bible and pray, but she gave me the tools on how to do so effectively.

I am going to basically bullet point what I use and know...from my mother. Thank you Mom, I love you.

*  Proverb of the Day.  The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters.  Today's date is May 9th, read Proverbs 9, tomorrow May 10th, read Proverbs 10.  And so on.

* Read 5 Psalms a Day, you will read the entire book in a month.  Today is May 9th, read Psalm 9, 39, 69, 99, 129.  May 10th, read Psalm 10, 40, 70, 100, 130.  Read the corresponding Psalm that goes with the date, then add 30, reading 5 Psalms a day.  I'll give you one more, I want y'all to get this.  May 11th, read Psalm 11, 41, 71, 101, 131.  On the 31st day of the month, read Psalm 119 only.  It's the longest chapter in the Bible.

* Read God's word out-loud.  There is power in the spoken Word.  Just try it.  And bonus, it helps me pay attention and keeps my mind focused.  And double bonus, are the kids around?? They are hearing Truth!  BAM!

*  The entire Bible on CD, or Psalms & Proverbs at the minimum.  Anytime I walk into my mom's house, to this day, she has God's word on her CD player playing, continually.  Again, power in the spoken Word.  When I do this (I have a CD player mounted above my kitchen counter) I picture The Spirit just permeating my walls, floors, our bedrooms where we lay our heads...

When my husband is out of town and I am not sleeping well, I put one of my Psalms or Proverbs cd's in my boombox (yep, I said boombox!) on "continual play", that way when I wake up, I hear God's Word!!  Hello, can we say comforting beyond comforting?  Praise the Lord!

Use God's word in a CD player wherever He leads you.  Do you have a child struggling with something?  Play God's word in their room, day and night.  Yes, even in the daytime when they are not there.  We all know there is spiritual warfare and night.  Fight back!!!  {I felt a strong leading to pray right this second as I am typing, for someone who needs to put God's Word in their child's room.  Do this SHINE sister, today.  God bless you}

Now some books that I love...3 guesses who lead me to these books?  Yep, Mom.  :-)

* 31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers

* Prayers That Avail Much from Word Ministries, Inc., Germaine Copeland

* Prayer Portions For The Family by Sylvia Gunter

I also use The Power of the Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.  She has prayer cards with prayers for husbands.  Easy to tuck in your purse or have in the front console of your car to read at red lights, the carpool line, your lunch break or at your desk.

Dear Father, we are so thankful for your Word, oh man, where would we be with out it.  I pray for the ladies reading this that they will be excited about getting to know You better.  And I pray that some of the tools listed above will be just what is needed for a more meaningful walk with You.  We love you sweet Father.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Thursday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE.......