Monday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Job 13

Good morning, SHINE! As promised we have an exciting week here on SHINE!

Besides the incredible privilege of reading the Word of God together...we will be celebrating our Mother's together this week!

Your very own fellow SHINE sisters will be posting their stories about their precious Mothers.

So, let's get straight to the first story this week!

Grab your Kleenex box and get ready to be encouraged and inspired by Erin Davis' story.

My face is literally soaking wet after reading it! I love how God speaks through His people. YOU will be blessed, trust me.

My Mama
by: Erin Davis

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

Don’t you just LOVE this song by the David Crowder Band?

This is my Mama‘s absolute favorite praise song!!!!!! I remember how she would play it over and over again and her blue eyes would glisten with tears every time!  It would be months before I truly understood the power of the message in this song… months before my blue eyes would also glisten with tears as I listen to it over and over…

As we approach Mother’s Day, Jill asked me to share about my Mom!
 OH, I was SOOOOOOO excited!

I was excited to be able to brag about her… but even more excited to get the chance to brag about our Jesus! And it is NO mistake that Jill reached out to me (someone she has never met) and asked me to share! His timing is perfect!

I was also an emotional wreck after Jill reached out to me…I cried for 2 straight days!  You see….the Lord has transformed my life so drastically in the last 2 years that I cannot even speak of Him, or of my mom, without being overcome with emotion.

Here is my story!

My mother was wonderful in every way. I could use every positive adjective to describe her. She was in love with my daddy until her very last breath and my brother, Chad, Eva and I were her world! However, as much as she loved us all, she loved God most. And God loved my mother!

He brought her out of a difficult childhood situation and placed her into a Christian home. He gave her my daddy when she needed him most, a man who loves and fears the Lord!  I could go on and on but to say the least God has always taken care of her as only HE can do!

She lived her life for Him. She, along with my dad, taught me about God’s love, took us to church and prayed for us diligently!
The Lord called my mama home 1 year ago this month after a battle with breast cancer.  It was His perfect timing. She was gone…And I was broken!

Although I had given my life to the Lord at 8 years of age, it never dawned on me that I had not GIVEN my life to him until after my mom was gone.

Who did I run to when I had a bad day? Mama
Who did I call when I heard good news, bad news, or any news? Mama
Who would listen to every detail of every aspect of my life with open ears and an open heart? Mama
Who else would care about my babies the way I did? Mama
Who prayed for me when I should have been praying myself? Mama
Who encouraged me to rely more on God? You guessed it…My mom!

The day she left was the first day of the rest of my life. Girls…this was not only because I had to learn to live life without her, but also because it was the first day I began to have TRUE dialog with my Jesus. For weeks straight I felt like nobody was around but me and God…..I would scream at him in anger in one moment and would be on my knees praising Him the next. 
I often say that that the day my mama died is the day I truly started to live. THIS IS SO TRUE!  I felt ALIVE for the VERY FIRST TIME because I started my relationship with God! And Girls…the sad thing is…I never realized that I didn’t have one!

I have been spending all of my life in church and going through the motions! Did you know that He knew this about me? HE WAS JEALOUS FOR ME!

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

In this past year, amongst my pain and grief, I have come to realize the magnitude of His love for me. I CAN SEE IT SO CLEARLY! Every detail was perfectly designed by Him….not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future! Girls this is NO JOKE! He didn’t take my mother away to harm fact I know it breaks his heart to see me grieve! Girls…I am not sure of His reasons or of His plan for calling her home but I can tell you that He loves me SO much! Just look at what He has done for me in 2 years time….

Please let me brag on my Lord for a moment!

Chad (my sweet husband) and I lost our baby in September 2010. We were devastated and I prayed for the Lord to help me to understand why this happened,
Did you know that my due date with the sweet baby would have been the same week my mama passed? I KNOW that the Lord spared me from having to juggle both events at the same time! OH HOW HE LOVES US!

Me and my honey!

And did you also know that at the EXACT moment I was getting the news that my baby did not have a heartbeat my sweet god daughter was born…..
I MEAN WITHIN THE SAME 15 MINUTES! He gives and takes away! Oh HOW HE LOVES US!

Reese (my sweet God-Daughter)  
Isn’t she yummy?!?!?

GUESS WHAT? I got pregnant again and was 14 weeks pregnant when the Lord called my mama home! This is also such a wonderful blessing. He gives and takes away. He gave my family something to look forward to in the midst of our grief. A reminder of how much He is in love with us. He sent us a BEAUTIFUL little boy with his daddy’s handsome grin and my Mother’s blue eyes! OH HOW HE LOVES US!

                                         Robert Colt Davis September 28, 2011

Both of our babies!

For years my Mother prayed for my brother to meet that “special someone”! And she was very specific about this girl! She prayed for someone to come into his life who adored him, someone who he adored,  was very sweet, and who most of all LOVES the Lord. I was concerned that this girl did not exist! Lol! However, a few short months after mom’s death my brother met Taylor! She is everything and more that we have prayed for! OH HOW HE LOVES US!

Eric and Taylor!
Aren’t they sweet?!?!?

 Girls….He loves us. Each of us. None more or less than the other! We aren’t promised that our time on Earth will be without trials. One of my worst nightmares came true, and yet it has been the best year of my life. Only God can do that!

I pray that each of you sweet SHINE sisters be able to evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Open up that dialog and build that relationship! Run to Him first, not your best friend, not your mother or husband. God wants our big, precious, breakable hearts. HE IS JEALOUS FOR US! He wants us first!

There is not one moment that I don’t miss my mom! I expect Mothers Day will still be rough and no fun. But I know that my mom is cloaked in white, praising her Lord, and I now have the blessed assurance that I will see her again! Oh how he loves us!

     Lareen Peeples
     I love you mom, to the moon and back! 

My Mom and Dad
September 2010

The NEW face of my family! Oh how He loves us!

One of our fellow SHINE sisters, Samantha Schlund, had it laid on her heart to form a team for the Atlanta 2-day walk for breast cancer in my Mother’s name! We have a goal to reach a total of 15 team members and to raise 15K as a group! God has already blessed our growing group of 8 so very much in our fund raising efforts. We would love for you to join our team if you feel led to do so! Also, I would love to honor any women in your life who has fought this disease by taking their name with me on this journey. Please go and visit our team website or message me for further information!

Love in Christ,
Erin Davis

**Thank you again. sweet Erin! You truly do SHINE!**


Prayers and Praises for the week of May 7th- May 13th


Sunday SHINE....