Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Job 27

Happy FUN Friday!! It's our last day of school! Yay for Summer time!

If you have seen me this week, and I have not made eye contact, it's because this week is always very emotional for me! (just ask my friends-oh my.) Tears and more tears. (like the snot bubble kind of tears)

I'm always sad about another school year ending, but happy to be with my kids all Summer long.

Each day this week I have really, really, really tried to put into practice what the Lord has been teaching us through His Word.

JOY is not based on our circumstances, but based on the Lord and His Love and Grace. I keep saying this over and over and over to myself.  My heart is desperately dependent on God's Word to bring me peace in this ever-changing season of motherhood.

Each moment I am having to re-train my thoughts to focus on the JOY of it all--not the sadness of my children growing up.

So, with that said, let's make this day count! Let's focus on the JOY around us! Even the moments that seem lack-luster are a training tool for us to fill our hearts and spirits with JOY that can only be found from the Lord.

Here's your fun Friday challenge:

Bring some JOY into someones life today! Be creative! Encourage someone, buy someone a coffee or a coke, show up at a friends house with homemade (or store bought!) cookies in hand, surprise your child with his or her favorite candy or treat, call your grandmother and tell her how much she inspires you, send a note to someone that needs a little extra TLC, leave a note on a friends car telling her how beautiful she is, hand write a note to your child's teacher telling he or she thank you for investing in YOUR child.....

Let's spread the JOY, girls!

Joy is for the taking! The Lord wants us to be filled with His Joy! When we serve those around us, we cannot help but to be filled with JOY!

I'm jumping out of my chair just thinking of all of YOU shining with His LOVE and His JOY today!

Go, spread the JOY, sweet friends! Someone is waiting for the blessing!

"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

no need for coffee when you've got JOY,



Prayer Requests and Praises....


Thursday SHINE....