Monday SHINE....

Weekly reading plan for 4/30-5/4:

Monday 4/30: Job 8
Tuesday 5/1: Job 9
Wednesday 5/2: Job 10
Thursday 5/3: Job 11
Friday 5/4: Job 12

Happy Monday, SHINE!! How was your weekend?

Mine was FABULOUS!

I have to brag on a few girls really quick. Yesterday, I hosted a SHINE prayer warrior tea party at my house.

We have a prayer team here on SHINE that prays daily for all of YOU!

How cool is that?

Girls, these ladies are the real deal. They lift you up to the Father, daily. They may not always respond to your requests on the blog, but they pray! Oh yes they do!

So, please continue to share your requests with us. We are honored to lift our SHINE sisters to the Father.

Speaking of prayer...I want to pray over your week before this post ends.

Dear Father,

We love You! We adore You! You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Blessed be Your name!

Lord, forgive us of our sins as we come to Your throne today. We have so many sins, yet you forgive every last one of them. It's almost too much to fathom.

Thank you for loving us--despite our fleshly ways. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us to give us strength and power to overcome our flesh. Thank you for this Gift!

We submit our calendars, our schedules, our every minute to You, Father. Lead us today and every day this week. Show us Your plan for us.

Let us not be too "busy" to hear from You. Wean and quiet our souls to be able to hear Your voice. The Voice of Truth.

Protect our families and our bodies from harm and evil. Anoint us with Your covering, Lord. Let us be Your hands and feet to all around us!

In the Precious Name of Jesus we agree in prayer,


Happy reading girls,



Tuesday SHINE....


Prayers and Praises for the week of 4/30-5/4....