Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for Week of 4/16-4/20:

  • Monday 4/16: 1 John 5
  • Tuesday 4/17: 2 John
  • Wednesday 4/18: 3 John
  • Thursday 4/19:  Job 1
  • Friday 4/20: Job 2
Good morning, sweet SHINE!

As we begin our new week, let's go ahead and give it to the Lord. What do you say?

Dear Father,

We thank you for another new week! How grateful and thankful we are to have the opportunity to continue to learn about You through Your Word. 
Open our minds and hearts this week as we read. Speak to our hearts through your Word. Gently guide us and teach us and mold us.

Our schedule belongs to You, Lord. We give you control to change or revise anything on our agendas.  Our purpose is to serve YOU. 

Forgive us of any sins that we have. Show us any areas that need a little cleaning up in our lives. We know that we cannot receive fully your blessings, until we rid our little hearts of built-up sin. 

Change us. 

Let our faces SHINE and reflect YOUR Glory, Father. Help us to stay in the Light this week. At all costs.

We love You!

In Jesus Name we pray, 


 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."
1 John 5:14-15

Tuesday SHINE.....


Saturday SHINE