Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Job 2

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! Whew, what a week!

We have gone from 1 John to Job!  Talk about a change of scenery!

Job is about to take an even bigger turn, girls. Hold on to your sparkly little ball caps! A big roller coaster ride coming up for our friend, Job.

Today is Friday, so you know that that means: We have a Friday Challenge!

God laid this idea on my heart on Wednesday. I could hardly contain myself to wait until today to post it. But, I did.

**I challenge us to speak of God's glory today. Not just THINK on His glory, or sing of His glory in our car by ourselves our with our children. Today is different.

**Speak the words in your heart out loud for others to hear!**

"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:10

 Let me explain...

My whole entire life I have really loved the Lord. (sometimes not walking with Him, but I loved Him anyway.) During these years, I kind of kept all of my feelings for Him inside. He knew I loved Him, that was enough, right?

Well, a couple of years ago, I became good friends with a girl named Vicky Palmer. Vicky taught me about speaking up and speaking out about Jesus! I admired her boldness and her faith so much!

here's Vicky and me!
(for all you visual girls!)

I heard her stories, and I wanted that kind of faith! I wanted her courage and her faithfulness!

 What was keeping me from it?

It was my timidness and my insecurities. I would think that if I spoke of Him often and of all that He was doing on my behalf, then He may suddenly forget about me and then I  would look stupid or silly.

Dumb thinking, right? Well, that was me. Dumb.

I had convinced myself that as long as I was thankful on the inside, praising Him on the inside, and being a good little Christian girl on the outside........was enough.

It was enough to get to Heaven, yes. But, I wanted MORE! I wanted to tell the world about my Jesus! I was bursting on the inside to speak of my Man! My King! My Savior! The One who died for ME! (whew, I'm working up a sweat just thinking about Him!)

Finally, I slowly began to be bolder in my walk. I would speak things, or say things that I felt like the Lord was doing in my life. It began to get easier and easier to be bold.

Now, I am off the charts out loud crazy in love with my Jesus.

How does this look? Well, I bombard my friends with texts, emails, stories...anything and everything to express my LOVE for my Lord and to share what He is doing all around me!

I even text pictures of something that God shows me during the day in relation to a particular journey that I am on. (I just did this yesterday!)

Let me ask you this, friends: If you were in a relationship, wouldn't you want your beloved to speak of you? Tell stories about you? Confess their love for you, out loud? For all the world to hear?


If you are a momma, how does it make you feel when you hear your babies tell you how much they love you and appreciate you? Especially when they tell others about you! Off the charts awesome, right?

Don't we kind of like it when others toot our little horns a bit? It makes us feel loved and special!

Doesn't He deserve our adoration? Are we so concerned about how others perceive us that we are willing to miss out on the blessings that come with boldness in our faith?

It's not that He needs us to proclaim His Glory. He IS Glory. Period.

But, we need to proclaim His Glory! It's really for us! Our hearts change, our faith increases and our boldness soars!

Bottom line:  The more we trust Him and reveal Him to others out loud, the more He reveals Himself to us!

Oh, goodness. I just may burst out of my in-need-of-a-tan skin!

Don't get me wrong, I have a super long way to go with this boldness thingy. But, it sure will help to have y'all with me on this journey! Together we can do this!

Girls! Today is the day! Step out of your little comfortable spot, and take a step of faith and boldness with Jesus.

You may be thinking......"What do I say?? Things are tough right now, I don't really have a lot to say about God's goodness and grace. This season in life stinks."

Here is my answer to that: You are alive. You are here on this Earth. Your Man (Jesus) died for you

That's enough Glory to proclaim for the rest of your life, sweet sister.

Be bold, girls.

You have absolutely nothing to lose. And everything to gain.

growing bold,


"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." Hebrews 4:16


Saturday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE....