Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: 1 John 4

Happy fun Friday, SHINE!

Wow! What a week we have had in 1 John! Oh, the treasure we have discovered!

Let me take a minute to encourage you, sweet friends. If you have been with SHINE since day One...and a lot of you are going on 4 straight months of daily Bible reading.

Do you think you are changing?

Let me answer that for you....YESSSS! Can you hear me through your computer? I hope so!

Girls, we cannot read God's word and NOT change. Seriously, it is not possible.

Okay, so maybe you just joined SHINE yesterday or today, guess what?

YOU are changing too!

God's word is LIFE! So, when we read it, it's like taking a hit of oxygen to our souls. It gives us energy, joy, power and all that good stuff. The more we get of it, the more we crave.

As I envision your beautiful faces, a lot of you I do not even know, I get teary eyed. Do you know how much our Father loves you?

Imagine this with me: What's it like when you see your children reading God's word or singing praise music?

Doesn't it just melt your pretty little heart?

Now imagine this: The Father seeing you read His word, daily.

Do you think there is even a word to describe how He must feel? I don't think so.

Girls, you are the apple of His eye. Period.

Now imagine this: Do you want mediocrity for your children? Do you want them to just "get by", and not try to live their sweet lives to the fullest and with the most joy?

Don't you think the Father feels the same way about you, the apple of His eye?

Excellence, girls. That's what He so desires for us.

As we wrap up this week of talking about excellence, our love walk, and our fence-riding, let's end with this Friday challenge:

Be excellent in everything you do today. Everything.

(remember, excellence is NOT perfection. it is serving Him and making anything we do about Him.)

So, what's on your precious agenda today?

Is it working? Cleaning? Babysitting? Going to school? Lunch with a friend? Lunch with your spouse? Play dates with your little loves? Running errands?

Whatever it is, do it in excellence. Do it unto Him.

See how it changes things.

Let's ask ourselves throughout the day if what we are doing is honoring the Lord.

Is it the most excellent way?

Dear Father,

We desire excellence in all areas. From our marriages, to our home lives, to our children, to how we  spend our time, to honesty in all things, to giving and tithing, to our love walk, to what comes out of our pretty little mouths---to it all

Excellence is our desire, Lord. 

We come from the most Excellent King. We can and we will serve you in a way that you deserve to be served, Father.

Help us and remind us.

In Jesus name,


"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24


Saturday SHINE


Thursday SHINE.....