SHINE weekday give-away winner.....

We have a winner, SHINE girls! 

I loved reading every last one of your love names for our JESUS! They all melted my heart, and most importantly, melted HIS!

This prize perfectly goes along with our challenge today! Rebekah Vepraskas donated this prize, and we both could never have imagined how well it would suit for today's post!

Isn't God just incredible like that? Only HE could do something that cool.

My little family and I enjoyed having the SHINE drawing on the beach this afternoon! So much fun!

We actually wrote the SHINE girl winners name in the sand! However, due to limited internet access here, I cannot get it to upload. Oh well. Trust me, it was cute.

Drum roll...

The winner of this week's SHINE girl give-away is.....



One Song at a Time
Jamie Grace CD!!

AND.... a really, really cute JOURNAL!

 I am not able to upload a picture of it at this time, but trust me, it's CUTE!

You can use your journal to keep up with your 1000 things to be thankful for! Perfect, right?

Happy Friday, SHINE!!

Make it a THANKFUL weekend, girls!!

**Cristina, email me at so that I can send you the prizes! :-)


Saturday SHINE....


Friday SHINE.....