Monday SHINE part TWO...

Hi, SHINE! Have you noticed a little change on our site?


I can hardly hold in my excitement! Don't we look perty?

A HUGE thank you to Erin Lauray Studio for this blog beautification. She is amazing, AND a precious Christian lady. So very easy to work with, even despite my gross lack of knowledge in all things technical. :) 

Also, we now can be found at

Which means, you don't have to type in all that blogspot stuff anymore! Yay!

Please spread the SHINE word to your little facebook peeps and anyone else who needs SHINE to help them in their daily walk with Jesus. Our new page makes us a whole LOT more user-friendly, I hope you find that to be true as well.

If you have any questions about the new layout, email me! :-)

Hope your Monday is simply the BEST, sweet girls!

all my love,


**If you still are typing in blogspot, it will ask you to be redirected to a new YES! :)

So, when telling your friends about SHINE, just tell them!

God is so good and He is blessing us daily, girls!


Tuesday SHINE...


Discussions on the Reading Plan Week of 3/5-3/31........