Happy Birthday, Angela......

Did you think you were getting off that easy, Angela?


Happy 40th Birthday, to the GREATEST sister in the whole wide world!

Angela Joy Crowe!!

Angela and Me celebrating her birthday today!

Here's a little list of some of Angela's amazing attributes: (like my alliteration? heehee)
  • beautiful
  • funny
  • belly laugh funny
  • witty
  • godly
  • wise
  • awesome momma
  • loyal
  • artistic
  • talented
  • did i mention she was funny?
  • loved
  • loving
  • generous
  • truthful
  • honest

I could go on and on and on....

If you have a minute, please wish my sister, Angela, the happiest birthday of all!!

THIS is her year!! God has big plans for my sister!! You wait and see, Angela!!

His favor is all over you, sweet sister!

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised'  Proverbs 31:30

Pictures from Angela's birthday lunch:

Angela and Lisa SHINE!

Rebekah and her boys celebrate Angela!

Angela and Leslie share a smile and the same beautiful blonde hair!

Stacey, Lynn, and Angela celebrate and SHINE!

Julie and Shannon SHINE! 

Angela and Jill SHINE bright!

Chocolate on Chocolate birthday cake...by Hilda. Oh, yes.

Leslie, Missy, and Mom SHINE!
Lisa and her sweet Jenna SHINE at lunch!


Wednesday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE.....