Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 13

Ok, SHINE girls, are y'all still talking to me? It's been a little quiet around my house since yesterday's post.

My phone hasn't rung.  Hmmm.


I'm kind of reeling too. God likes to get our attention because He loves us SO stinkin' much!

So, it's Friday, and we all know what that means....Friday Challenge! Yay!

In keeping with all of this talk about the importance of obedience in our marriages and to our hierarchy, this challenge kind of brings it home for us.

This challenge is where the rubber meets the road so to speak.

Challenge One:

I want ALL of our married SHINE girls to plan a date with your love this weekend. Okay, I hear you saying, "ummm, whatever Jill. we have no sitter, and no money."

Okay, well I got you covered so you have no excuses. If you are not able to go anywhere and do anything, you must have a date in your very own house. Whatever this means for you. Put the kids down a little earlier, and sit on that couch with your man and have a date.

What would he like to do? Think about that and try to plan something that he would enjoy. Maybe a $1.00 movie from Redbox? Or watching ESPN or the History channel snuggled up together? His favorite beverage next to the remote?

Be creative.

Challenge Two:

Okay, single women....stay with me here. You're not off the hook for this challenge.

I'm hearing Beyonce' in the background of my head as I type this.."All the single ladies, All the single ladies.." (yes, i am a little giddy since it's Friday)

Single, divorced, separated, widowed, and any other girl that does NOT fall under the "marriage category" challenge---this challenge is for YOU:

Find a married couple near you that could use a break. Offer an hour (or more) of your time to watch their children so they can enjoy some face time with each other. It's absolutely one of the MOST self-less things you can do. It seems you get nothing out of this challenge....but OH, you DO!

YOU will be investing in marriages, in families, in God's Kingdom! You will be investing in your future marriage (if it so be), and you will be investing in your relationship with Christ!

You see, God LOVES someone that GIVES. Especially when there is NOTHING to be gained in return. Now THAT is the VERY heart of GOD!

(I see you rolling your eyes at me.)

Let's peel this crackly flesh off girls, and get to the soft, smooth skin of our Spirit! It's crying out to see some daylight!

Okay, a little disclaimer: maybe your hubby is out of town, maybe you are out of town, maybe something else is prohibiting you from this challenge this very weekend. If this is the case, go to your calendar (NOW) and find a day/night that you can do this challenge. I'm serious. Go, now.

I love you, SHINE sisters! I want God's BEST for us!  We are in His Word, and we cannot help but to shed this flesh and start reflecting His light!

YOU are making a difference in this world! YES, YOU! If you are reading this, you are desiring a relationship like never before with the Father.

Oh, how He loves you.

planning my date,


"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,  may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,  and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19


Weekday Give-Away week of 3/25-3/30....


Thursday SHINE....