Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Romans 14

Happy Friday, SHINE!

This afternoon is the SHINE Weekday Give-away drawing! If you haven't commented under that post, go and do it now to be entered to win a very cool prize. Very, very cool.

So, for some reason, God speaks to me when I am mopping my floor. Yep, every time.

Yesterday, He told me what today's Friday challenge needs to be. Seriously, He did.

He's cool like that.

Okay, today's challenge:

Pray for someone in your life that it not saved and who does not have a relationship with Christ. This is very personal to me. I have someone very close to me that is not a believer.

I love this person very much, and my HOPE is in the LORD regarding their salvation. I am trusting the Lord with this, and praying daily for them to receive Him.

As I was mopping, my eyes filled with tears as I thought about the many that do not know Christ. They are right here beside us in our very own schools, neighborhoods, and families.

It's so scary, girls. I mean, eternity is forever. An eternity that is not with Jesus will not be a pretty one. It will be horrible. Beyond horrible. I don't even know a word horrible enough to describe it.

So, today let's make a point to pray specifically today for these people in our lives that do not know Him. The one True God. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Lift their names to the Father all day. If you do not know anyone personally (you are lucky), then please just pray for the ones in your fellow SHINE girls lives that need Jesus.

I cannot imagine a better way to be a friend to someone. Praying for their salvation. Huge, girls, HUGE.

Happy Weekend-ing, girls!

so thankful for His Mercy,


**After typing this post, I realized that someone reading this may not be a believer in Christ.If you are not, and you have never accepted Him as your Savior, I would love to pray for you. The Word says:

Romans 10:9-11:

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

He loves you, friend.


Friday SHINE update....


Thursday SHINE....