Weekday Give-Away Challenge 2/27-3/2....

After a lot of thought and prayer about what the challenge for this week's Weekday Give-Away should be, the answer came to me today.

As I was folding clothes in my Presley's room, I saw something sitting on her little desk. The second I saw it, I knew what our challenge would be.

Here is what I saw:

The message to me here is pretty profound; and I am not speaking financially either.

Are you a saver or a giver? Or maybe a little of both? Or maybe more of a saver than a giver?

I can whole-heartily say that I definitely save more than I give. I save more for myself. I save the best for myself a lot of times. (okay, most of the time.) If I give, it is often my leftovers and not the first and best fruits.


Yes, that's me. The stingy one.

Not proud.

So, here is the challenge:

Give something away this week. It does NOT have to be of a dollar value either.

Here are a few examples:

  • giving through your time.
  • serving at your church
  • helping a friend in need with dinner or cleaning their house
  • offering to drive a neighbors child to school (since gas is an arm and a leg!)
  • finding something in your closet that you like, but think it may look better on someone else--and giving it away.
  • a gift card that you have not used  
  • homemade cookies for your neighbor or co-worker

It sounds simple, but girls, I guarantee you that the person on the receiving end will be absolutely delighted. Who doesn't love any kind of gift? Seriously, it's the best.

Your time is often the best gift. Perhaps, because it is the most valuable in our busy, crazy lives.

When you give this week, please comment under this section. You can just put: I did it! or anything you want to put. Just make sure you leave your name with the comment. 

Your name will be entered in the drawing this Friday! It is a GOOD prize, girls!! Really, really good!

Our fellow SHINE girl and guest-blogger, Lisa Inlow, has generously offered to provide this prize.

Go, GIVE!!

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 

no more saving,



Monday SHINE....


Reading Plan Week of 2/27-3/2....