Sunday SHINE....

Reading Plan for week of 2/20-2/25:

  • Monday 2/20: Romans 5
  • Tuesday 2/21: Romans 6
  • Wednesday 2/22: Romans 7
  • Thursday 2/23: Romans 8
  • Friday 2/24: Romans 9

Happy Sunday, SHINE girls!

Hope your weekend was wonderful! Speaking of weekends, I am sitting here writing you from a small kitchen table overlooking the North Carolina Mountains.

Talk about a view! It's 7:30 am, cloudy, and absolutely breathtaking.

Every time I come up here, I feel so close to God. Maybe it's because of the elevation? Or maybe, because of the peacefulness and the beauty that surrounds me.

At home, I get stuck in my routines, kind of like a gerbil on a wheel. I often forget to get off the wheel, look around and take in the beauty of my days.

It's very hard for me to find peace when the laundry is swirling, the dishwasher is rotating, and the bathrooms are beckoning to be be cleaned.

Many  days, I literally have to force myself to sit down, turn off the ever-constant noise, and be with the Lord. Perhaps, that's why mornings are my favorite.

The world is still sleeping, and so is my laundry and dishwasher.

I feel God the most in these moments. It overwhelms me, in the best way.

Don't get me wrong, I also see God in my children and in the loudness of my days. He's always there. It's just these peaceful times I often crave, because they are few and far between in this season of my life.

SHINE girls, I am so thankful for you. Every last one of you. God knew that my heart needed this ministry. He knew WE needed this ministry.

I'm forever grateful to Him. He loves us so much.

The Lord keeps leading me to this verse, and I want to share it with you. I believe it's His message to us as we seek Him in His Word daily. Read it and feel His love and presence surrounding you, my friend.

"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord." Jeremiah 29:13-14

Rest in that, sweet friend.

forever seeking,


Prayer Requests/Praises week of 2/20-2/24.....


Saturday SHINE...