Saturday SHINE....

Today is my Momma's birthday.

Since the economy stinks and I am not able to buy her some big, shiny, diamond earrings--I am going to write about her.

I know this is not the greatest gift that I can give her, but I hope to be able to convey my love and appreciation for her in my words.

So, here goes:

How do I even begin to describe my Momma? 

There are no words that could possibly describe this unique and precious relationship that she and I share. If I were to ever try and imagine my life without her in it, I couldn't. My life is wrapped up in my Mother in every conceivable way. 

When I am overwhelmed with my children, my housework, my husband, my insecurities, she is the very first person I call. She always listens, no matter how trivial the problem. She makes me feel like I am the only person on Earth when she's around. She always has time for me. Always.

I remember so well being in our little kitchen back in Rex, Georgia. I would watch her, noting her every fluent move. I was smitten with her. I wanted to be just like her. She would cook dinner and I would literally wrap my little legs around the bottom of her thighs and knees and hang on as tight as I possibly could manage.

Yep, I was and still am a Momma's girl.

 She was and still is the most beautiful woman. I remember thinking to myself, if I could only be as pretty as Mommy when I grow up, then I would be so happy.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is the most giving person that I know. She would do anything for anybody. I try to be like her in this way, but it comes so much more natural for her. She never hesitates. 

Have I mentioned that she is also extremely musically inclined? Yes, not only is she beautiful, but she sings, plays the piano, plays the guitar, and probably any other musical instrument. She was even in a band while I was growing up. Pretty cool, huh?

One of my favorite smells in the world is Coppertone Lotion. Momma wore this lotion, not just in the Summer, but any season. I always keep this in stock. I love how it reminds me of her.

Momma's faith is very strong. She has been through a whole lot in her precious life. Every single storm that she faces, her faith gets stronger and she comes out of it more refined and stronger than ever. 

My Momma is exquisite in every way. She really is my hero.

 If you haven't been touched by her, hugged by her, sung to by her, cooked for by her, prayed for by her, listened to by her, coached by her, made to laugh until you pee in your pants by her, then you haven't experienced one of the greatest gifts in this world....My Momma.

I'm so glad God chose her as my Momma.

She truly SHINES the brightest.

Happy Birthday, sweet Momma! See you soon for lunch and a movie!

never cutting the apron strings,


"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Proverbs 31:28


and Then.


Reading Plan Week of 2/27-3/2....


Friday SHINE....