Reading Plan for week of 2/6-2/10....

Reading Plan for week of 2/6-2/10:

  • Monday 2/6: 1 Samuel 26
  • Tuesday 2/7: 1 Samuel 27
  • Wednesday 2/8: 1 Samuel 28
  • Thursday 2/9: 1 Samuel 29
  • Friday 2/10: 1 Samuel 30

Good Sunday morning, SHINE girls!

We have a fun week ahead of us! Another weekday give-away starts this week--thanks to our fellow SHINE girl, Tiffany Tabler. Tiffany has kindly offered to provide the gift for the winning SHINE girl.

YAY! Thank you, sweet Tiffany!

So, be sure to check the blog daily for the weekday give-away post. Also, I will post as always, a new Discussion and Prayer/Praise request post for this week. Be sure to check that this week as well.

Again, I am so proud of all of you for doing a very hard challenge on Friday. It's NOT easy to pray for someone that has hurt us, and/or continues to hurt us. It goes against our flesh in a painful way.

God will surely bless your obedience, you can be sure of His promises.

~A few of your fellow SHINE girls giving you some encouragement~
SHINE, girls, SHINE!!
(from my b-day dinner last week)
from left: Kim, Courtney, Ladona, Rebekah, Lisa, Collette, Mary, Chasity, Kelly, Erin , Angela,  Alice
front: me

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and one mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6


Prayer Requests/Praises week of 2/6-2/10...


Saturday SHINE....