Friday SHINE...

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 30

Happy Friday, SHINE girls! I'm so proud of all of your hard work and diligent reading this week.

YOU girls ROCK!  **high fives all around**

So, last week we ended with a pretty tough  Friday challenge. Some of you still aren't speaking to me because of that Saul box, but that's okay. **wink wink**

Hang on to your little box, friends. We will go back to those boxes in the near future, but for now just continue to pray over those Saul(s) in your life.

Okay, ready for today's Friday challenge???

Drum roll, please.....

As we end this week, we are still centered on two major themes: love and obedience.

I feel like I have pounded obedience into your pretty little heads kind of hard this week. So, let's focus on love today with our challenge.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ā€˜Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37

Love on your neighbor today, girls.

 Pray for God to put someone in your path for you to love on today.

This "neighbor" can be anyone...your co-worker, your friend, your family member, your teacher, your student, your boss, your mail man, your wal-mart check-out lady......anyone.

Show some love to them today by speaking words of love into their day.

Compliment them, encourage them, ask them how you can pray for them, smile at them for heaven's sake.....just love on them.

Sometimes we dismiss the very people around us because of familiarity. Let's pray that God will uniquely show us who and how to love on somebody today.

Much easier than last week, right? **high five, again**

What's the best way to spread the Gospel of Christ, girls?

Show them love.

SHINE-ing up my love walk,


p.s...speaking of love, don't forget to comment under the weekday give-away post! the winner will be drawn next Tuesday, Valentine's Day! :)

Reading Plan 2/13-2/17....


Thursday SHINE....