Friday SHINE....

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 25

Wow! What a way to end our weekly reading! I want to be as wise as Abigail, anyone else?

Can you believe she had the courage to approach David and ask him to spare his sword on their people? She completely risked her life by doing this. She took the chance because she knew it was the right thing to do, and she was trying to look out for David's future kingship.

Talk about having some guts and some courage.

Anyone else wondering how in the world she ended up with Nabal, the fool? I would really love to know that back-story. I will have to add that to my list of things to ask God when I get to Heaven.

Okay, I'm going to be honest here. This week's reading has really got me thinking about the condition of my heart. I didn't realize that I had so many clogged valves in my heart. Sheesh.

As I thought about the Saul(s) in my life yesterday, I had a terrifying thought.

Am I some one's Saul?

You can bet your bottom dollar that I am, or at least have been in the past. (and will be again in the future,  I'm sure of it)


Sobering thought.

In fact, 4 or 5 days out of every month, my husband would say without a doubt that I am his Saul. He's right, too. I even scare myself those days.

Okay, moving on.

As you know by now, we like to have a challenge on Friday's. I was hesitant about this particular one, but I feel like the Lord is making me do it anyway. (trying to let this obedience thing trump over my flesh is really hard.)

BEWARE: It's not going to be your (or my) favorite challenge. However, if we do it, I know that God will bless it BIG. The fruit that comes forth from this will be well worth the pain.

Here goes....

Today, think of your Saul(s) again. Take a small piece of paper and write their name or names on them.

Okay, here's the hard part....put a heart around their name after you write it.


Are you still with me? Or did you find the closest escape button on your keyboard.

After you do this fold the little piece of paper up and put it in a small bowl, cup, or box. Now, put the little container that holds your Saul(s) name in a place where you will see it every day.

Like, your bathroom, your bedside table, your car, your kitchen....somewhere in your daily path.

Next, start praying for your Saul(s) today.

Every time you see that little box with your Saul(s) name in it, pray.

Don't worry, friends, I am doing this too. I am not thrilled about it either, but I want my heart purified. I want the valves to be unclogged and free to receive and give all that God has prepared for me.

We can do this, girls! If we are serious about heart reconstruction, we must be willing to go under the knife.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

pass the anesthesia,


**If you do this challenge, please consider commenting on this post. Just leave me a little "done" or something to let me know that you are in on this with me. You can post anonymously, or however you feel comfortable. It will help to hold you (and me) accountable on this. We try to make this blog as interactive as possible. So, jump in! :)


Friday Special Spotlight...


Thursday SHINE...