Tuesday SHINE...

Happy Tuesday, sweet SHINE friends!

Here is today's reading 1 Samuel 12


Just wanted to check in and say hello and let you know how proud I am of all of you! You are reading God's word daily and showing so much love and encouragement to your fellow SHINE girls. It makes my heart overflow!

YOU truly SHINE! Every single one of you.

Thank you for inspiring me in my own walk with the Lord. You make me want to be better, to draw closer to the Father, and to encourage others along the way.

I love how God uses someone else's story, someone else's testimony to speak to my heart.

He loves getting personal. How cool is that?

God is teaching me so much from these chapters in 1 Samuel. Whew, man.

I feel so much like those Israelites sometimes. Always chasing after worthless things that are not God's best for me. My heart has been convicted countless times while reading these passages.

The old testament was never my favorite--I always felt that it was hard to relate.

Until now.

I never thought that through these few chapters in 1 Samuel, God would reveal some things in my very own heart that needed some fine tuning and correction.

Again, He loves gettin' personal.

keep SHINEing girls,



SHINE party reminder....


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