Saturday SHINE....

Good Saturday morning SHINE girls!

I wanted to share something real quick that happened to me yesterday.

I had gotten up to have my quiet time, and pushed "start" on the coffee maker. (I always have the coffee ready to go--less clanging around in the morning--and more importantly, the less I have to use my brain.)

A few minutes later, I walked in the kitchen to get my beloved liquid consciousness only to find that it was just a pot full of hot water.


I had forgotten to add the coffee last night. Ugh.

As I poured the hot water out, and started all over again, I felt the Lord was showing me something with this.

Before I was in His Word, I was just a big ol' pot of hot water. No color, no flavor, no nothing.

When I add God's Word to my day, the flavor, the robustness, the POWER is added to my day.

Let's not be a big ol' pot of hot water. Let's be a delicious, hot, caffeine-filled pot of coffee--full of power and flavor!

Starbucks has nothing on us, girls. :)

Okay, our Friday challenge extends through the weekend--stay prayerful and thankful this weekend, girls.

If you need to catch up with the reading, take time to do that.  We will continue on with 1 Samuel starting Monday. Tomorrow I will send an email with the weekly reading.

Don't forget about our SHINE party tomorrow! Please try to come if you can. I want to meet you and hug your pretty little neck! Come and meet your fellow SHINE sisters!

no more hot water for me,


1 Chronicles 16:11--" Seek the LORD and his strength;  seek his presence continually!"


Reading plan 1/23-1/27....


Friday SHINE....