Shining on Wednesday!

Good morning SHINE girls!!!  Jill has has asked me to guest post today.  Deep breath.  My name is Mary and I'm blessed to call her my precious, longtime friend.  I'm amazed at what God is doing through my girl but not surprised at all.  She has a gift and it's just awesome to cheer her on as she SHINES for our God.

Ok, a couple of things.

Please keep telling your friends about SHINE.  We made it to 200 members but we're not stopping there and the Tell 5 Friends Give-Away is not related to reaching our 200th member.  Keep sharing SHINE and let us know when you do, just make sure to comment under this post~ and Jill will draw the winner on Friday.

Also, we want to hear from you.  If you would, post your comments under the reading for each day and share with us what stood out for you in the scriptures.  Click on "COMMENT" and you can post anonymously if you don't have a google account but please leave your name if possible.  It's our hope to begin to create a dialog so that we can know one another, share together and grow.

Here is today's scripture reading:

I was struck by the Israelites asking Samuel for a new king.  God didn't want them to forget that He was their real leader.  Isn't that so true for us still today.  Throughout our lives, with all of the people that are put in power over us, whether it's at work or our elected officials, God is our leader and He is in control.
Ah...That brings so much peace.  Thank you, Lord.

One final thought.  I had the honor of watching a Women of Faith video last night.  It was a delight to hear Luci Swindoll speak again.  She must be in her mid 70's and still bringing the Word.

Her message was on this verse.
I Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me.

She said, what's your favorite weakness?  Then she said, mine is being grouchy.  "When folks don't do what they say they're going to do, I want to shoot them!"  

Ha!  I can relate!

So Lord, please come into my favorite weakness (mine is having a critical spirit) and make Your Power perfect over me.  We have to invite God into our messy closets and seek His guidance to clean it out and get back on track.  I have to purposefully look to the good because the negative drags me down and causes my flesh to show off.  Yuck, that's never good.  Let's ask Him now to help us with that today.  

Please tell us your thoughts on the reading and also share your favorite weakness so that Christ's power may reside in You.

SHINE girls!!!

With love,

Welcome, Beth....


200th SHINE girl winner....